4 automation ideas for your smart home with the friently Smart Button

4 automation ideas for your smart home with the friently Smart Button

The frient Smart Button is a simple product that can make a big difference in your smart home. Its main functionality is to turn anything that is connected to it on and off – that can be lights, music, your TV or gaming console, a smart coffee machine, kettle, or electric blinds.

With the Smart Button, there are no limits to your creativity.

But the really smart thing about the Smart Button is that you can use it to control automations you have created in your smart home hub. This way, you can turn many appliances on or off at the same time.

Check out these 4 automation ideas for the Smart Button:

  1. Start your morning routine with one push
  2. Set the mood for a cozy evening on the couch
  3. Turn off everything at once when you leave the house
  4. Activate your alarm system

Be aware that the Smart Button requires a compatible hub to be connected with your smart home. You can find the overview here.

Start your morning routine with one push

With a morning automation, you can activate everything you need in the morning: You can make your electric blinds go up, turn on lights if it’s still dark outside, play your favorite morning music, podcast, or radio, turn on your coffee machine, and more.

Now, you can just set all these things to happen at a specific time – but what if you want to sleep in on the weekends or have an irregular sleeping schedule?

This is where the Smart Button comes in handy. Once you’re awake and ready to get up, you can start your morning automation with a simple push of a button.

Set the mood for a cozy evening on the couch

Picture this: you’ve eaten dinner, cleaned up, and you’re ready to spend the rest of the evening watching your current favorite series or reading a book. You sit down on your couch, but then realize that you didn’t turn off the bright dining table lights – you have to get back up to do it.

With a Smart Button placed strategically close to your couch, you can set the mood for your couch evening from the comfort of the couch.

One push of the Smart Button and your lights can be set to the perfect intensity, the blinds can go down to give you some privacy, and your TV, music, or gaming console can turn on. There are no limits to what is included in your perfect chill evening.

Turn off everything at once when you leave the house

Ever wonder if you have really turned off all the lights when you leave your home? Install a smart button next to your door and connect it to your lights, and you can turn them all off at once.

You can also turn off the power supply of your electrical appliances at the same time and save some energy while you’re not home. Your TV really doesn’t need to run on stand-by if no one’s using it.

Activate your alarm system

If you’re using your smart home as an alarm system, you can easily turn it on before you leave and off when you come home using a Smart Button.

The push of the Smart Button can activate your “away” mode in your hub, and you’ll get notified immediately if there are any movements at home when there shouldn’t be.

Do you need a few friently Smart Buttons for your home?

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