types of smart homeowners

4 types of smart homeowners

Who are the people that opt for a smart home, actually? Do they have some common traits? And how do smart home devices match these traits?

Check out these 4 types of smart homeowners. Maybe, one of them will match your type of personality.

1. The protector

The main concern of the protector is to keep his family safe and sound, and a smart home allows him to do so in several ways.

By installing smart home devices, he’s able to monitor the home – even when he’s not there. In case of a fire or a break-in, he’ll know about it instantly, allowing him to react quickly and make sure his family is safe.

The frient Intelligent Smoke Alarm is the ideal device for the protector as it offers him instant and remote fire warnings. With the frient Motion Sensor Pro and the frient Entry Sensor Pro, he can detect if anyone enters his home 24/7 - and get notified if someone tries to tamper with the devices.

2. The economist

For the man whose main concern is his personal finance, smart home devices can provide him with important data about the electricity spending of his household. With these data, he can adjust the consumption and save money.

As part of his smart home, the economist needs the Electricity Meter Interface as it offers him real-time and remote meter readings. By being able to identify periods of high consumption, he can work on lowering it.

By installing Smart Plug Minis or Smart Cables, he’s able to track the consumption of individual electrical appliances. These smart home devices are great for detecting stand-by usage, and the elimination of this unnecessary usage will provide the economist with great satisfaction.

3. The art enthusiast

The art enthusiast will highly appreciate the ability of smart home devices to protect his valuable artwork. Using sensors, he can make sure that his dearest possessions are placed in the ideal environment and are not damaged.

The Smart Humidity Sensor will provide the art enthusiast with a warning if the humidity fluctuates to a level where it’s damaging his valuable artwork.

If the artwork is stored in a place with a risk of water leaks or flooding, the Water Leak Detector will be his best friend. The small but loud device alerts him instantly if it detects water, allowing him to move the valuable belongings to a safe place.

4. The techie

For the techie, it’s not enough to have just some smart home devices - he wants as many as possible. And he wants the newest technologies on the market to always be one step ahead of his friends. He’s constantly searching for new devices and functionalities to include in his smart home.

In addition to all the devices, which are appreciated by the other types of homeowners, the techie needs to have the Intelligent Heat Alarm installed in his kitchen. Why get false smoke alarms while cooking, when there’s a device that will only detect rapidly increasing heat levels instead of smoke?

Check out all the frient devices and pick the ones that match your type of personality

Please note that all frient devices require a compatible Zigbee hub.

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