zigbee electricity meter interface

Are you looking for some reviews of the Electricity Meter Interface?

Do you want to get a better overview of your electricity consumption and find out when you are using up the most energy? Then the Electricity Meter Interface is for you.

This frient brings you your electricity consumption from your meter straight to your smartphone making it possible for you to monitor your consumption and find out where you can reduce your electricity consumption and save money - practical, right?

But it is not only us who think that this is a great product – our customers do so as well. Proof that people talking about you isn't always a bad thing.

Accurate and easy to install and integrate Zigbee pairing with Smartthings hub was seamless. There is a device handler ready to go. As this is a pulse-counting device, its almost as accurate as the smart-meter its connected to.
on Amazon UK
A must-have. Highly recommend - only took a minute to install and provides great, up-to-date readings on current power consumption.
on Amazon Germany
Extremely precise, with no need to cut wires, it can be installed in an instant. I was looking for a product that would give me the opportunity to control the electricity consumption of my apartment, which was easy to install. This product proved to be the best choice because thanks to the mesh network that is generated with the zigbee devices I was able to integrate it despite the distance of the meter from my apartment. Another advantage over the competition is "the absence of installation" in fact it was sufficient to position the sensor on the led beach of the meter to immediately have an immediate reading of consumption, with a difference of +/- 20 w.
on Amazon Italy
Great (for dumb meters)- I've been using this for some months and found the readings both accurate and 'real-time'. I've just had a 'smart meter' installed and this product still works accurately and in a timely manner.
on Amazon UK

The Electricity Meter Interface is compatible with meters that communicate via a blinking LED.

Please note that you need a compatible hub to use the frient products. The friently Electricity Meter Interface is Zigbee-based and compatible with Homey and Smartthings.

Want to know more about this frient?

Check out the Electricity Meter Interface

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