Does frient work with your smart home hub?
If you have ever asked yourself that question, then you have hopefully found our Compatible hubs page.
On this page, you can find an updated overview of which of the frient devices work with which hubs.
And we have quite a range of hubs that we have successfully integrated and tested the frients with, all the way from widely popular hubs such as Homey and SmartThings to more local hubs. You can find the full list here.
Working with Zigbee hubs
The frient smart home devices communicate via Zigbee and only work with hubs that also communicate via Zigbee. That's why you can’t just use any hub for your smart home with frient devices.
But even though your smart home hub or platform isn’t listed on the Compatible hubs page, it might work with frient anyway if it uses Zigbee (such as Home Assistant). We just haven’t integrated our friently devices with these platforms, meaning that we can’t guarantee any working functionalities or offer support.
Please also note that not all the features of the frient devices work with all hubs.
Frients with other smart home devices
Our smart home devices don’t just keep a closed circle of frients. The frients are also able to connect and communicate with other smart devices in your smart home. That’s part of what makes them so friently.
Connected devices that you can make your frients work with in a home automation, for instance, include lights, smart locks, sensors, cameras, among others.