How to keep your heating bill from going up

When it’s cold outside, it’s nice to turn up the heat and get cozy. As long as the heat stays inside your home, you get to enjoy it. Should you, however, feel like airing out your home once in a while, it can quickly become a costly affair if you forget to close a window.

The frient Entry Sensor helps you avoid unnecessary heat loss that will make your heating bill go up.

Get notified about open windows

By mounting a door and window alarm on the windows of your home, you can get notified if you’ve forgotten to close one of them.

A magnetic window sensor includes two parts: a sensor and a magnet. The sensor is triggered when it comes close to or moves apart from the magnet. This way, the sensor detects if your window is open or closed.

Through your smart home hub, you’ll get a notification on your smartphone if a window somewhere in your home is not closed when it’s supposed to be.

Please note that the Entry Sensor requires a compatible Zigbee hub.

Meet the Entry Sensor

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