Why the range of radio frequency is crucial in a smart home

In your smart home journey, you might have come across the term radio frequency.

This simply means which wave frequency the wireless communication between smart home devices takes place on.

For devices using the Zigbee protocol – like frient devices – this is primarily the 2.4 GHz frequency which is a widely used frequency for wireless devices.

This makes it easy to connect, for instance, frient devices with other devices from other brands in your smart home.

The importance of radio frequency range

An important aspect of radio frequency is the range of the wireless signal.

As Zigbee devices operate at 2.4 GHz, these devices tend to have a great range that can go through most common physical barriers like walls in your home.

This allows you to have a reliable smart home with many devices placed around your house, such as entry sensors on your doors or windows, a heat alarm in your kitchen, and a motion sensor in your living room.

Get a frient with great (wireless) communication skills

If you know the frients, you know they like to make new connections and for that, it’s important to have good communication skills.

Luckily, the frient devices excel at that, meaning they can not only speak with a lot of different smart home devices, but they can also shout quite far to keep the connection with devices that are further away.

Another strong point of the frients is the stability of their connections. This means that once they are committed to a connection, they don’t disconnect easily, providing you with a stable and reliable smart home.

Keep the connection with long-distance frients

To connect with frients or other Zigbee devices that are far away from your smart home hub, frient has just launched the Zigbee Range Extender – a signal repeater that lets you expand your smart home network and add even more devices!

Check out the Zigbee Range Extender.

Get to know your new frients

Find out how the Zigbee frients can help you automate your everyday life and protect your home and loved ones.


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