Zigbee smart cable with energy monitoring

Your right-hand frient in controlling your big electrical appliances

You want to use less electricity for the environment’s sake, but in our modern times, it’s difficult to reduce the number of electrical appliances you have at home. Fortunately, there is another way to save electricity. Connect a friently Smart Cable to the cords of your different electrical appliances and take the reins of your electricity consumption.

Use these frients to monitor and report back to you, wherever you are. Handling your power expenditure has never been easier – you only need your phone to know which electrical device is causing the higher demand.

Small device, lots of control

Just because some of your electrical appliances are bigger and directly connected to the grid, doesn’t mean they’re uncontrollable. Do you suspect the radiator has been turned on unintentionally? Now that you’ve befriended the Smart Cable, you can switch it off even when you’re away.

Or you can turn it on a few hours before you return from a long trip, so your home is all warmed up for a cozy family night.

A safe grid and a safe house

Your new frient is not only great at helping to protect the environment, but also at helping to protect your home. Are you using the age-old trick of leaving a few lights on when going on holiday to simulate some movement inside? Nowadays, intruders are less and less fooled by this tactic. Use your Smart Cables to be a step ahead and introduce some dynamics to the lights in your house.

Through your compatible smart hub, you can even automate the patterns to mimic how you usually use your lights when you’re at home. No one will suspect a thing!

Learn more about the Smart Cable here.

Control the small appliances in your home

You love what the Smart Cable can do but you were actually just looking to monitor the electricity consumption of your kettle or TV or remotely turn your standing lamps on and off? You don’t need a Smart Cable for that. Your new frient the Smart Plug Mini is here to help. Just plug in your device and get going!

Take a look at the friently Smart Plug Mini here.

Zigbee smart home devices

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