Get an expert’s opinion on the Electricity Meter Interface

Are you looking for a way to keep track of your energy consumption at home? Then the Electricity Meter Interface could be just the right frient for you. But you might want to get to know it a bit better before buying it.

The French blog les alexiens has done a review of the frient Electricity Meter Interface. In the review, you get the opinion of smart home experts who have tested many products across brands.

Easy to install

Join les alexiens in unboxing the Electricity Meter Interface and get an overview of the technical specifications. Check out how easy it is to install this friently device on a Linky electricity meter. You can also see how to connect it with your Homey hub using the app. Spoiler alert: This went smoothly as well.

Avoid costly surprises

As stated by les alexiens, the Electricity Meter Interface hands you the knowledge you need to identify irregularities in your consumption and avoid costly surprises. As it simply connects to your electricity meter, it’s the ideal solution for those who do not have a smart meter at home.

In the Homey app, you can follow your consumption for one or more hours, one or more days, and by the week, month, and year. You can also make use of a range of automations based on your consumption.

Spend less than 15 seconds and get accurate insights

All in all, les alexiens finds it an interesting and useful product providing you with accurate and consistent data. It’s easy to install and to pair with the Homey hub. Actually, it takes less than 15 seconds to get it up and running according to les alexiens.

Want to know more?

Check out the Electricity Meter Interface


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