Get to know when you’ve got mail with a frient motion sensor
How often do you check your mailbox, and nothing is in there? Or do you maybe often forget to check it and see the occasional important letter too late? In these digital times, we don’t get as many physical letters anymore, and checking your mailbox as part of your daily routine is becoming less and less common.
Get a friently letterbox spy
So how about a little nudge to check your mailbox only when there is actually something inside? Place a friently Motion Sensor or Motion Sensor Pro in your mailbox* and your smart system will let you know when you’ve got mail.
*works for all mailboxes within a radius of up to 12m, does not work with metal mailboxes.
Always be up to date with your mail
No more disappointments of checking an empty letterbox, no more complaints from family members that you haven’t seen their holiday postcard, and no more stress because you’ve seen and paid a bill too late.
Get yourself a motion sensor, make sure it is in reach of your hub, and you’ll know exactly when there’s something arriving for you in your mailbox.
Want to know more about the motion sensors?