zigbee smart button

Make your parents’ lives more peaceful with the friently Smart Button

Smart home systems make your life easier and your home interactive, but it does take a while to learn how to work them best. This can be especially true for your parents, who might not be as experienced with technology and find themselves struggling to navigate the smart home setup you have put in place for them.

Maybe what they’re missing is the simplest remote control they could ever get – the Smart Button.

One press of a button, many actions

The Smart Button is easily connected to your SmartThings or other Zigbee hub. You can attach different automations to the buttons through your hub and control several devices at once.

For example, you can combine all your smart lights and lamps, controlled by Smart Plug Minis, in the same automation and turn them all on or off with one press of the Smart Button.

Skip the lengthy explanations, get to the fun part

The more automations you create, the more confusing it can become for your parents to remember which scene does what and when they should activate which. A couple of strategically placed Smart Buttons around the house can help, especially since they act as a reminder to turn the smart security system on when they go out, for example.

Extra watering at a moment’s notice

If you have set a smart watering system for your parent’s greenhouse, you can connect it to a Smart Button so it can be turned on if the weather gets too hot and the plants need another round of watering. Then, your parents can keep the wireless button wherever in their home they think is best.

Take a closer look at the Smart Button

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