frient Talks with Homey verified partner

frient is a Talks with Homey verified partner!

Have you spotted the little blue tick next to the frient name in the Homey App Store? It shows you that frient is a Talks with Homey verified partner and makes sure that your frients and your Homey always are the best of friends. The Talks with Homey program sets high expectations towards the frients so you can be confident that they work together perfectly.

With Homey and your frients you can automate and protect your home, look after your loved ones, and reduce your energy consumption. By creating different flows in your Homey app, you can sit back, relax and your frients will work together to bring you maximum comfort and peace of mind.

Have a great relationship with your frients

It is always important to stay up to date with what is going on with your friends. The same goes for your frients. Our close relationship with Homey means that you will always have access to the latest updates to your frients. You can be sure that they work perfectly with Homey and have peace of mind knowing that your frients are always there to look after your home.

Be the first to meet new frients

As part of the Talks with Homey program, we make sure that every new frient that joins the family can be integrated with Homey the latest 2 weeks after launching. This way, you can be sure that you will be able to use Homey for all your current and future frients and always be one of the first to get friently with any new frients.

Find out more about Homey here

Zigbee smart home devices

Get to know your new frients

Find out how the Zigbee frients can help you automate your everyday life and protect your home and loved ones.

Check them out

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